Nicole in New York City

Nicole in New York City

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Nicole Larson

Dear Family & Friends,

Nicole's Titanium Rib Surgery is set for 12-12
at Christus Santa Rosa Hospital, 333 North
Santa Rosa St., San Antonio, Tx. 78207,
210-704-2011. Terri & Nicole will be driving
up on Monday, 12-10 after school to get settled
in at the Ronald McDonald House, 327 Lewis
St., San Antonio, Tx. 78212. What a blessing it
will be to stay at the house which is only 10
minutes from the hospital. Pre-op testing
begins on 12-11 at 8:00 a.m. until around noon.
Mark will be flying in on Tuesday afternoon
and will join us on the Riverwalk for some
fun! As soon as a time is given for surgery,
we will update the blog. Please pray for God
to hold Nicole in his hands this day and pray
for Dr. Campbell's entire team of doctors &
nurses while they perform this life changing
procedure expected to last 5 hours.
All of our love, Mark, Terri & Nicole