Nicole in New York City

Nicole in New York City

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Kind of a long night

Last night Nicole did not rest as well. All of the rest she had been getting must have caught up to her and last night Nicole wanted to keep Mom up. She is back on her bipap machine to help reverse some atellecticis in her left lung. We are told that this is not uncommon in her situation, but that it is blockage in the passage ways of the lung and can be serious if not addressed. The pressure from the bipap, the chest physical therapy and the caugh assist machine should help reopen the lung passage ways.

On the more positive side there is much more to report. She started eating last night. Nicole ate mashed taters and mac & cheese. We even shared an ice cream treat before bedtime. During this mornings rounds, one of her surgeons came in and removed one of the drains from her wound. There were two and now only one is left. The pain ball was also removed as well. This is a major step forward and will help keep the risk of infection down. They want her to sit up in a chair a bit later today to help with her lung and to start stretching the rest of her body that has been lying in bed for three days. If she continues to drink fluids, the nurse will take her off the IV.

Nicole is making great progress just as we knew she would. She continues to astound with her strength and ability to persist through the adversity. We could not be more proud of our daughter.


mydoreena said...

Hey kid, here is your tip for the day........don't eat yellow snow!

Love ya, Aunt Doreen

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole! You are in me and Piotr's prayers! It sounds like you are recovering really good. We can't wait to see you! Atreyu is getting big. Right now his favorite word is "purple" and he says it so cute! Ok take care sweetie! Love, Piotr, Jodi and Atreyu

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole, I am glad to hear that you are home just in time for Christmas. I have been thinking about you a lot lately, and I am so glad your surgery went well I miss you, and SIRE so much! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year! I will see you at Top Hands I can't wait!

I MISS you so much!
Take care, and keep in touch!
Your friend,