Nicole in New York City

Nicole in New York City

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Nicole is home and doing great! She got to have a real bath and wash her hair on Thursday. This of course made her feel like a new "woman"! We have had many visitors and have gone on a few visits too. Other than her two breathing treatments each day, she is on no pain medication. Nicole got to see many friends this morning at church, who were very surprised to see our family. We will continue to celebrate this Christmas and are very thankful to have the time to appreciate our many blessings! Take care and we will write again soon. Love, The Larson Family


Anonymous said...

We are so greatful for your speedy recovery. I have been keeping everyone at NSE updated on how things have been going for you and your family. Praise the Lord - God still moves!
Have a Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! This is Ali. I'm sooo happy to hear the good news! Your pup looks cute too! A golden Retriver right? Well! Hope to see you soon!
love ali

MaryKate said...

Dear Nicole,
I am so glad to hear that you are home and recovering well! There's nothing like a bath and fresh hair to lift your spirits! And it sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas. Your bravery and fortitude in continuing to get better are an inspiration. Way to go! and I hope to see you soon,
MaryKate @ SIRE